How to link your Meta Ads Pixel?
We need 2 fields from the Meta Business Manager: The Pixel ID and the Access Token. Step 1: From the menu select Settings. Under Data sources click on Datasets. Copy the ID from your Pixel and paste it back in in the Pixel ID field. Datasets page Step 2: ClickPopularHow to link your Google Ads Pixel?
Step 1: Turn on enhanced conversions In the left sidebar menu, click on Goals, and then under Conversions, click on Settings. Please make the following changes to the settings: Enhanced conversions for leads: Check "Turn on enhanced conversions for leads" and select "Google Tag" from the dropdown menu, then save the changes. Enhanced conversions: Check "TurnSome readersHow to link your TikTok Ads Pixel?
Step 1: From the menu, hover over Tools, under Management, go to Events. Menu Step 2: Click Get started, select Web and click Next. Get started dialog Step 3: Create a PixelSome readersHow to link your Pinterest Ads Pixel?
Step 1: From the menu, under Business, go to Conversions. In the Menu: Business Conversions Step 2: Click on the Tag Manager on the left-hand side of the page. Step 3: Then click on the Install the Pinterest tag. Tag Manager page (https://storage.criFew readersHow to link your Klaviyo Pixel?
We just need two pieces of information from Klaviyo: the Public API Key and the Private API Key. Step 1: In the bottom left corner of your Klaviyo dashboard, click on your profile menu, then select Settings. Step 2: Click on API Keys. Copy the Public API Key and paste it into in the Public API Key field. Step 3: Click the Create Private API Key buttFew readersHow to link your Snapchat Ads Pixel?
We need 2 fields from the Snapchat Business Manager: The Pixel ID and the API Token. Step 1: Find or create a Pixel In your Snapchat Business Manager, open the main menu and go to Assets › Pixels to acceFew readersHow to link your Google Ads Pixel? (Updated layout)
Step 1: Turn on enhanced conversions In the left sidebar menu, click on Goals, and then under Conversions, click on Settings. Please make the following changes to the settings: Enhanced conversions for leads: Check "Turn on enhanced conversions for leads" and select "Google Tag" from the dropdown menu, then save the changes. Enhanced conversions: Check "TurnFew readersHow to link your X Ads Pixel?
Step 1: From the menu, under Tools, go to Events Manager. Events Manager tab Step 2: Click Add event source, you will be directed to a wizard, but click Exit in the bottom right of the screen. Step 3: You will see an overview of your Events, and on the top you will see yourFew readersHow to link your Reddit Ads Pixel?
In the left sidebar menu, click on Ads, and then click on Events Manager. On this page, click on Configure data source, and then click on Conversions API. Configure data source Conversions API A modal will open with the title Configure Conversions API, now click on Set up manuallyFew readers