Articles on: Features

How to use the reporting in

How to use the reporting section within our app?

-All conversions we capture are sent back to your ads manager for you to analyse.
-Meaning our reporting section within the app is not mandatory, as your ads manager is primary tool to analyse your data, but our reporting section can be used alongside.
-Now the main differences in our reporting section and the ads manager is that our reporting section is real-time and uses last-click attribution model.
-Which when used alongside your ads manager will give you faster look at your conversions and ad campaigns.

Disclaimer: Our reporting section is intended to be used only alongside your ads manager. We always recommend to make informed decisions based on your ads manager as it uses advanced matching when attributing conversions.

-Are a short snippets of text that are appended to a destination URL that your customers are clicking on in order to land on your site.
-The reporting panel in our web-app heavily relies on use of UTM parameters to show which ad set converted.
-So in order to make use of our reporting section you will have to use UTM parameters.
-They are set on your ad set level on the URL field, by adding the parameter on your URL with '?' in between. (URL + ? + UTM_Paramater)
Here is an example of the UTM parameter:

And here is an example of the UTM parameter properly setup on your ad URL:

Disclaimer: Setting up UTM parameters will make no impact on your ad performance, but we don't recommend setting them up on already well preforming ads.

Reporting section:
-The reporting section can be accessed from the 'Reporting' tab in our web-app at: '' or by simply visiting '' directly.
-From there you will have an option to choose the store and the according date which you would like to analyse.
-Number of conversions captured will be displayed there and assigned to the ad campaign that converted them.
-Now note, if you see only 'N/A' displayed, there is a high chance that you don't have UTM's setup on your ads.
-Also even if you made sure that the UTM's are properly set, and you still see some conversions under 'N/A', that means that either the conversion came from a direct source and not from the particular ad, or that it was not attributed as our section lacks the 'advanced matching' which ad platform uses for attribution.

Disclaimer: This is the main reason we never recommend our clients to make decisions based on our reporting section. Because it can never be as powerful as your ad platform with attribution, because ad platforms make use of advanced matching technique.

Why does ad manager have data-range to select when analysing data but our section lacks that feature?

-We understand our reporting section lacks features that ad platform provides, for example like data-ranges (you can only select one particular data, 2 weeks ahead).
-This is because, we never intend to replace your ads manager, we simply track conversions ad provide them to your ad platform for attribution and further optimisation of platform and pixel.
-Our reporting section was developed only as a complementary tool to the ads manager.

Updated on: 15/05/2024

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