Articles on: Onboarding

How to link your X Ads Pixel?

Before you proceed, make sure you are logged in to your X Ads / Twitter Ads.

Step 1: From the menu, under Tools, go to Events Manager.

Events Manager tab

Step 2: Click Add event source, you will be directed to a wizard, but click Exit in the bottom right of the screen.

Step 3: You will see an overview of your Events, and on the top you will see your Twitter Pixel with an ID. Copy the ID and paste it in as Pixel ID.

Event Manager

Step 4: Under Events, click Add events. Name the event Page view, Add to cart, Initiate checkout or Purchase Event. Select the corresponding Event type. Click Next.

Step 5: For Setup method, select Define event with code and click Next. At the next step, hit Save.

Step 6: Repeat step 4 and 5 for the event types you would like to be tracked. Copy the ID's from the list and paste them into the correct field in

Events with ID's

Updated on: 26/03/2024

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