Articles on: Onboarding

How to link your Reddit Ads Pixel?

Before you proceed, make sure you are logged in to your Reddit Ads Manager

In the left sidebar menu, click on Ads, and then click on Events Manager.

On this page, click on Configure data source, and then click on Conversions API.
Configure data source > Conversions API

A modal will open with the title Configure Conversions API, now click on Set up manually.
Set up manually

On this page, your unique Pixel ID is visible. Copy it to the clipboard and past it over to

On the bottom of the page, click Next. This will route you to the next page.
Copy the Pixel ID, paste it in our app and click Next

On this page, click Generate Access Token, give it a name, for example You will be provided with an Access Token. Copy it to the clipboard and past it over to

You can now click Exit on the bottom. Your Reddit Ads Pixel setup is done!
Generate Access Token > Copy it over to our app

Updated on: 07/03/2025

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